7.4 MyID Operator Client advanced configuration
On the MyID web server, the OAuth2 authentication mechanism relies on the configuration of the URL that the end user will use to access the web server. The MyID server installation program sets this up when you install MyID:
However, there may be some circumstances under which you need to amend this setting after installation. In this case, you can edit the configuration files for both web services.
7.4.1 The rest.core web service configuration file
The appsettings.json file contains the settings for the rest.core web service, and is located in the following folder by default:
C:\Program Files\Intercede\MyID\rest.core\
The MyID:Auth:AuthServerUrl setting provides the URL of web.oauth2 web service. At runtime, the rest.core web service carries out a request to this URL to interact with the web.oauth2 service. If it cannot perform this request, there will be a 500 server error.
The URL must be resolvable on the web server, and https (TLS) must be used.
There are various cases why this might not be resolvable
- The web server does not trust its own TLS certificate – the solution is to ensure the TLS certificate is trusted on the web server.
- The origin (DNSName) in the TLS certificate does not match the origin within the URL of the https request.
- The origin in the URL is not resolvable on the web server (it cannot see itself). This can be diagnosed with ping. If necessary, one possible solution is to use the hosts file on the web server to ensure the web server's address resolves to its own IP address.
- An attempt is being made to use http rather than https. OAuth2 requires https, so the rest.core and web.oauth2 web services are configured at installation to require https.
Important: The URL settings are updated when you run the installation program. If you have made any manual changes to the appsettings.json file, these are overwritten by the values you provide in the installer.
7.4.2 The web.oauth2 web service configuration file
The appsettings.json file contains the settings for the web.oauth2 web service, and is located in the following folder by default:
C:\Program Files\Intercede\MyID\web.oauth2
In the Clients section, for the "ClientId": "myid.operatorclient", the RedirectUris setting contains a list of URLs. These are the URLs to which the oauth2 protocol is allowed to redirect back.
The list must contain an entry that represents the URL that the end user will use in the browser to reach the MyID Operator Client. If the URL does not match, when you attempt to sign in, you will see an error similar to:
Sorry, there was an error : unauthorized_client
Important: The URL settings are updated when you run the installation program. If you have made any manual changes to the appsettings.json file, these are overwritten by the values you provide in the installer.
7.4.3 Displaying images stored on the web server
By default, MyID stores images in the database. If your system has any images on the web server (for example, if you have an upgraded system, where previously-captured images are on the web server while new images are stored in the database), you must configure the rest.core web service with the image location to allow the MyID Operator Client to display the images that are stored on the web server.
Important: Do not switch your system to storing images on the web server if you are using the MyID Operator Client to capture images. The MyID Operator Client will experience errors if you attempt to capture images when your system is configured to store images on the web server.
Edit the appsettings.Production.json file, which is the override file for the appsettings.json file, and is located in the following folder by default:
C:\Program Files\Intercede\MyID\rest.core\
If you do not have an appsettings.Production.json file already, you must create one, containing the following:
"MyID": {
"UpimagesFolder": "",
If you do have an existing appsettings.Production.json file, you must add the UpimagesFolder entry to the MyID section.
In the MyID section, change the UpimagesFolder entry to point to the directory that contains the images; for example:
"UpimagesFolder": "C:\\Program Files\\Intercede\\MyID\\Web\\WebPIV\\upimages",
Note: This is the default location; your system may have the images stored in a different location.
Make sure you escape all backslashes with backslashes, as in the example above.
Once you have saved the file, recycle the application pool to refresh the settings:
- On the MyID web server, in Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager, select Application Pools.
- Right-click the myid.rest.core.pool application pool, then from the pop-up menu click Recycle.
7.4.4 Changing the port
By default, the MyID Operator Client and its web service use port 8081. If you want to use a different port, after installing MyID and the MyID Client Service, you must edit configuration files on the client and on the web server.
Important: Back up your files before making any changes.
On each client PC using the MyID Operator Client:
Open the MyIDClientService.dll.config file in a text editor.
This file is located in the MyID Client Service program folder. By default, this is:
C:\Program Files\Intercede\MyIDClientService
Locate the following line:
<add key="WebSocketPort" value="8081"/>
Change the value to the port you want to use.
For example:
<add key="WebSocketPort" value="6066"/>
Save the configuration file.
On the web server:
Open the appSettings.js file in a text editor.
This file is located in the Operator Client web folder; by default, this is:
C:\Program Files\Intercede\MyID\OperatorClient
Locate the following line:
wsLocation: "ws://"
Change the port number in the wsLocation parameter to the port you want to use.
For example:
wsLocation: "ws://"
Open the appsettings.json file for the web.oauth2 web service in a text editor.
This file is located in the web.oauth2 folder; by default, this is:
C:\Program Files\Intercede\MyID\web.oauth2
Locate the following line in the "ApiResources": "ssaclient" section:
"port": 8081
Change the port number to the port you want to use.
For example:
"port": 6066
Reset the web server.
- On the MyID web server, in Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager, select Application Pools.
- Right-click the myid.rest.core.pool application pool, then from the pop-up menu click Recycle.
- Right-click the myid.web.oauth2.pool application pool, then from the pop-up menu click Recycle.
On each client PC using the MyID Operator Client, restart the MyID Client Service app:
Right-click the MyID Client Service icon in the task bar.
From the pop-up menu, click Exit.
Run the MyID Client Service App from the Windows Start menu.
Important: If you upgrade your MyID system, you must make these changes again.
7.4.5 Load balancing
The MyID Operator Client and the rest.core web service are stateless, and do not have any session affinity; however, the web.oauth2 web service does have state:
It uses authentication cookies that cannot be shared between multiple server tiers; however, the lifetime of the authentication cookie is just the duration of the authentication, which typically takes a few seconds to complete.
It uses an RSA key (that by default it automatically generates the first time it runs) that is used to sign the JWT tokens. If there are multiple web.oauth2 instances on different servers, without additional configuration they will each use a different signing key, and therefore each instance will be its own authentication service that is independent from the other instances. This would mean that each client of the web.oauth2 server must target that individual instance, not the load balanced front-end. However; it is possible to configure multiple web.oauth2 instances to share the same key.
There are the following options for managing load balancing:
The load balancer ties each client to a specific server.
If a specific client computer is always redirected to the same server, and that server is used to return all websites and web services (operator client, rest.core, web.oauth2) then each web server can work independently.
Note: In this configuration, any third-party systems that are using the web.oauth2 service themselves for authentication would need to target a specific instance rather than the load-balanced front end.
The load balancer provides browser session affinity for web.oauth2 (but each web.oauth2 shares the same signing key).
This is the preferred configuration for multiple servers hosting web.oauth2. In this configuration, you generate a JWT signing key and share it with all instances of web.oauth2 on all servers. All web.oauth2 servers are therefore signing with the same signing key.
In the appsettings.Production.json configuration file, there are settings under MyID:JwtSigner that you can change to configure the web.oauth2 server to use a specified key or certificate (which you can generate separately).
To configure session affinity and a shared signing key for your web.oauth2 servers:
Run the following PowerShell script:
$subject = "JWS Signer Certificate"
$expiry = (Get-Date).AddYears(20)
New-SelfSignedCertificate -Type Custom -subject $subject -notafter $expiry -KeyUsage DigitalSignature -KeyAlgorithm RSA -KeyLength 2048 -CertStoreLocation cert:\CurrentUser\MyNote: This example uses a certificate with a lifetime of 20 years. The certificate must be replaced before it expires. You can set this to a length that suits your organization's needs by editing the $expiry line in the PowerShell script.
Take a note of the certificate thumbprint that is produced by the script.
Export the certificate as a PFX file:
Prepare the following PowerShell script, making the appropriate substitutions:
$CertPassword = ConvertTo-SecureString -String "pfxpassword" -Force -AsPlainText
Export-PfxCertificate -Cert cert:\CurrentUser\My\CertThumbprint -FilePath jwtsigningkey.pfx -Password $CertPasswordSet the following substitutions:
pfxpassword – Choose a strong PFX password. Make sure you take a note of this password.
CertThumbprint – Provide the certificate thumbprint generated above.
Alternatively, you can retrieve the thumbprint by viewing the certificate.
jwtsigningkey.pfx – Specify where you want the file to be created.
You must specify a path to which the user has write access.
Run the PowerShell script.
The script creates the PFX file.
Important: You must keep the PFX file and its password safe and secure.
On each web server:
Log on as the MyID web services user.
This is the user under which the web.oauth2 service runs.
Copy the PFX file onto the server.
At the Windows command prompt, run the following, providing the appropriate path and name for the PFX file:
certutil –csp "Microsoft Software Key Storage Provider" -user –importpfx jwtsigningkey.pfx
Add the thumbprint to the appsettings.Production.json file.
This is the override file for the appsettings.json file, and is located in the following folder by default:
C:\Program Files\Intercede\MyID\web.oauth2\
If you do not have an appsettings.Production.json file already, you must create one, containing the following:
"MyID": {
"JwtSigner": {
"ContainerName": "MyIDAuth JWT Signer",
"GenerateKey": true,
"Thumbprint": "<certificate thumbprint>"
}If the appsettings.Production.json file already exists, add the MyID:JwtSigner information to the existing file.
Replace <certificate thumbprint> with the thumbprint of the certificate you generated above.
Reset the web server:
- On the MyID web server, in Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager, select Application Pools.
- Right-click the myid.rest.core.pool application pool, then from the pop-up menu click Recycle.
- Right-click the myid.web.oauth2.pool application pool, then from the pop-up menu click Recycle.
Now all instances of the web.oauth2 service on different servers are using the same JWT signing key. This means that the MyID Operator Client (or any other client) can authenticate to the web.oauth2 service on any web server (that is, determined by load balancing) and can then call the rest.core web service on any web server (determined by load balancing).
Note: In this configuration, a client must still use the same web.oauth2 instance for the duration of the authentication process, as the cookies used by web.oauth2 by default are tied to an instance.